Hope on the Ground
Hope on the Ground (HOTG) is the short-term teams ministry of Education Equals Hope, a non-profit which exists to help provide education to those living in desperate and difficult situations.
Serve with us!
We host short-term mission teams from schools, churches, and corporations in the United States and Canada who work alongside our partner ministry sites.
You’ll meet and serve with children and families living in desperate and difficult situations.
The Hope on the Ground team will create a unique service experience for you and your team, handling all logistics and guiding you through the mission experience. You will make a long-term impact in our communities and return home with lifelong memories and transformation.
Bring a Team
Travel to Ecuador for 5-10 days with a group from your church, school, or workplace. Work alongside our ministry partners and create meaningful relationships.
Serve as an Intern
Spend a summer (or longer!) in Ecuador hosting short-term teams, being the bridge between cultures. Care for teams while they are on the ground.
Fund an Experience
Support a specific short-term mission team or team participant financially, as they raise funds to travel to Ecuador and engage in meaningful mission work.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.”
John 15:5